Los 4278
SERBIA. Stefan Lazarevic Hrebljanovic, as Knez, 1389-1402. Half Gros (Silver, 16 mm, 0.59 g, 4 h), a contemporary imitation inspired by Venetian ducats, possibly struck after the Battle of Kosovo (1389) and before the Battle of Angora (1402). Uncertain mint, after 1389. IIOAI[...] St. Mark standing right, holding book of Gospels in his left hand and presenting banner inscribed αV to doge, kneeling to left and raising his head toward the saint. Rev. VRЄαIIOTΛαI• Christ, nimbate, standing facing in mandorla with three stars, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left. Jovanovic (2002), p. 103 ('Forgery of coins of Venice'). Rare. Nicely toned. Some areas of weakness and with light scratches, otherwise, about very fine.
25 CHF
160 CHF
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